Thursday, April 30, 2015

Property Managers - Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution?

The perfect Property Manager...
to have or not to have...
that is the question!

It would be nice to have a Property Manager who is actively pursuing tenants and who gets rewarded by finding tenants who cause little or no damage, and are stable families who want to stay in your property, right?

We've seen a lot of contracts and noticed that some charge a 200.00 fee every time a new tenant signs the lease.  That almost sounds like a scam against the Property Owner, doesn't it?  What is their motivation to keep a tenant satisfied if there is a constant flow of turnover?

We love the Property Managers who take pride in their ability to hire onsite Managers who will keep the landscape groomed, keep the facilities, for instance, the community center, well lit at night, and tend to little details which would want to attract long term residents.

If you were designing a contract for a Property Manager what would be important to you?  Let's get some feedback and see if we can come up with a contract that would be amazing for both the Property Owner and the Property Manager.  Let's be part of the solution instead of complaining about the problem.  Thanks for your ideas!

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Come to our terrific website!  We have WTC Marketing working to make it amazing -

Thursday, March 12, 2015

What is considered Real Estate Scam? Who are they? How to recognize them!

Who do Real Estate Scammers try to rip off?   

They prey on people who are uninformed and desperate for money.  Many times they are looking for people who are not fully cognizant of their surroundings,i.e., the value of their home.  No one ever wants to believe that someone is trying to steal their home from underneath their feet, but facing the natural consequences of our actions, or the consequences of a domino effect of life hits, like job lay off, bankruptcy, home in foreclosure, medical catastrophes without insurance (health or health insurance from the previous job has run out), can be absolutely daunting.

These life trials can put us into the hands of real estate scammers.  We can become so desperate to fix our credit reports and amass better credit ratings, that we feel we have to pay an attorney to help fix our situation.  That is just more money out of your pocket.   And if you decide to list your home with a Realtor while it is in pre foreclosure, you should know, that your property can be locked up for as much as six months while their listing is in effect.  You may choose to go ahead and list your property with a Realtor if you are in the early stages of foreclosure.

 If you have missed a few payments and you don't thing you will ever be able to catch up, you can list your home with a Real Estate Agent.  Here is what you need to know:

1)  Real Estate agent fees - both buyer and seller come out of your proceeds - this typically totals about 6% - 7%.
2)  This may be negotiable with some realtors.
3)  The foreclosure process typically takes 4-5 months from the time of the initial lien filing.
4)  So, listing with an agent, it may be possible to sell your home quickly if it is priced low enough to move.
5)  Currently in the 2015 market, there is a high level of inventory and homes typically sell in 6 months or longer if you are looking for the full value of your home.

A Real Estate investor, like us, FINANCIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES,  is not going to give you the full price for your home because we are giving you cash for your home and it is an investment.    We also typically will not require any repairs or any other types of things that come out of the sale because that is already factored into our price.  .There are certain legalities of how a Real Estate transaction happens....FINANCIAL INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES abides by the law in all Real Estate Transactions.

So when entertaining the idea of using someone else as a Real Estate Investor, watch for these types of things:

If someone wants you to pay for the assessment to see if your home qualifies for a cash buy out.....RUN.
If someone wants you to pay for a home inspection - RUN
If someone wants you to pay for a Title Search - RUN.
If someone wants to bring in their own assessor and have you pay for it - that is not appropriate...RUN
If someone wants you to pay for their Contractor to look at your home - again...RUN.
What if they ask you to take out an equity loan to fix up things?  No - don't do it - RUN
What if they try to make you get a loan or use your existing home to get a new home? - Don't do it.

If someone wants you to pay for ANYTHING - even to fix your home up before they give you the CASH - RUN.

Call us first -805 285 2312   We have a proven track record of taking care of our clients.  We will not ask you for any cash at all.  We will be the ones giving your the cash if your home qualifies.

Check out our website - read our reviews from happy customers.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why would I want to get cash for my home?

·         Sandy Mercer was behind in her mortgage payments and was just one month away from foreclosure and in jeopardy of losing everything. 
·         John Smythe was a landlord who was tired of having his tenants trash his rental; he wanted out quickly so he could move on to other types of investments. 
·         Susan Gillam was divorcing her husband and wanted to go forward equitably and peacefully with both parties becoming debt free from the sale of their home. 
·         Cynthia Really got an amazing job in another state and had to start right away, she had to cut losses and leave rather than dealing with the regular long time frame of trying to sell for the original price she thought she could get. 
·         Alfred Dumont inherited his Grandfather’s house.  The home was in need of repair, full of junk from his grandfather’s hoarding – he needed it gutted, rehabbed and completely fixed up before he could sell it.  By taking a lower price, he let the new owner take over that mess.  
·         Another person didn’t know if he could trust a real estate agent and just didn’t know enough about the business to do a for sale by owner, and trusted us to help him get out quickly.
·         Questions from clients:
·         Our mortgage payments are too high because I lost my job –Now my credit is bad… will you still help us?  Yes! We can help you get out quickly.
·         Our foundation is a mess – can you help us?  Yes – we will need to disclose that to the new buyer and it might take a little longer but we can help you.

·         We know our house looks dated and cluttered.  We would like to move out and sell it vacant so it will go faster and maybe you could fix it up for the new owner?  Yes.  That is called rehabbing – yes we could do that for you.  It might take a little longer, or we can work the fix up budget into the selling price to move it quicker.